Consumers and health professionals are advised that phenelzine tablets are no longer being supplied in Australia. Phenelzine, which is marketed in Australia under the brand name Nardil, is used to treat major depression.
People taking phenelzine should seek immediate advice from their psychiatrist or other prescriber.
The TGA has issued a joint statement with the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia:
The joint statement provides further information about this issue, including advice for health professionals about accessing alternative products and patient management.
Information for consumers
If you or someone you provide care for takes phenelzine (Nardil) tablets, please be aware that supply of this medicine is very limited.
You should seek immediate advice from your psychiatrist or other prescriber about arranging supply of an alternative product or switching to another treatment.
Treatment with phenelzine should be gradually withdrawn, ideally over a minimum of two or more weeks, to reduce the risk of withdrawal effects. It is very important that you do not wait until your current supply of this medicine runs out to see your health professional about this issue.
If you need immediate support for depression, including feeling unsafe or distressed, the following organisations offer support through telephone lines and online chat services:
Beyond Blue - external site: Call 1300 22 4636 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Lifeline - external site: Call 13 11 14 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Information for health professionals
See the joint statement provided above for detailed information about this issue, including advice about accessing alternative products and patient management.