Abbreviation | Name |
AAN | Australian Approved Name |
AC | Active constituent |
ACCC | Australian Competition and Consumer Commission |
ACCM | Advisory Committee on Complementary Medicines (formerly Complementary Medicine Evaluation Committee [CMEC]) |
ACNM | Advisory Committee on Non-prescription Medicines (formerly Medicines Evaluation Committee [MEC]) |
ACPM | Advisory Committee on Prescription Medicines (formerly Australian Drug Evaluation Committee [ADEC]) |
ACSOM | Advisory Committee on the Safety of Medicines (formerly Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee [ADRAC]) |
ADEC | Australian Drug Evaluation Committee (now Advisory Committee on Prescription Medicines [ACPM]) |
ADI | Acceptable daily intake |
ADRAC | Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee (now Advisory Committee on the Safety of Medicines [ACSOM]) |
AHMAC | Australian Health Ministers' Advisory Council |
APVMA | Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority |
AQIS | Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service |
ARfD | Acute reference dose |
ASCC | Australian Safety and Compensation Council |
ASMI | Australian Self-Medication Industry |
ARTG | Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods |
CAS | Chemical Abstract Service |
CHC | Complementary Healthcare Council of Australia |
CMEC | Complementary Medicine Evaluation Committee (now Advisory Committee on Complementary Medicines [ACCM]) |
CMI | Consumer Medicine Information |
COAG | Councils of Australian Governments |
CRC | Child-resistant closure |
CTFAA | Cosmetic, Toiletry & Fragrance Association of Australia |
CWP | Codeine Working Party |
DAP | Drafting Advisory Panel |
ECRP | Existing Chemicals Review Program |
EPA | Environmental Protection Authority |
ERMA | Environmental Risk Management Authority (New Zealand) |
EU | European Union |
FAISD | First Aid Instructions and Safety Directions |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration (United States) |
FOI | Freedom of Information Act 1982 |
FSANZ | Food Standards Australia New Zealand |
GHS | Globally Harmonised System for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals |
GIT | Gastro-intestinal tract |
GP | General practitioner |
HCN | Health Communication Network |
IMAP | Inventory Multi-tiered Assessment Prioritisation |
INN | International Non-proprietary Name |
IUPAC | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
LC50 | The concentration of a substance that produces death in 50 per cent of a population of experimental organisms. Usually expressed as mg per litre (mg/L) as a concentration in air. |
LD50 | The concentration of a substance that produces death in 50 per cent of a population of experimental organisms. Usually expressed as milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of body weight. |
LOAEL | Lowest observed adverse effect level |
LOEL | Lowest observed effect level |
MCC | Medicines Classification Committee (New Zealand) |
MEC | Medicines Evaluation Committee (now Advisory Committee on Non-prescription Medicines [ACNM]) |
MOH | Ministry of Health (New Zealand) |
NCCTG | National Coordinating Committee on Therapeutic Goods |
NDPSC | National Drugs and Poisons Schedule Committee |
NHMRC | National Health and Medical Research Council |
NICNAS | National Industrial Chemicals Notification & Assessment Scheme |
NOAEL | No observed adverse effect level |
NOEL | No observable effect level |
NOHSC | National Occupational Health & Safety Commission |
OCM | Office of Complementary Medicines (now part of Complementary & OTC Medicines Branch [COMB]) |
OCS | Office of Chemical Safety (formerly Office of Chemical Safety and Environmental Health [OCSEH]) |
OCSEH | Office of Chemical Safety and Environmental Health (now Office of Chemical Safety [OCS]) |
ODA | Office of Devices Authorisation (now Medical Devices Branch [MDB]) |
OMA | Office of Medicines Authorisation (now Prescription Medicines Authorisation Branch [PMAB], and formerly Office of Prescription and Non-prescription Medicines) |
OOS | Out of session |
OTC | Over-the-counter |
PACIA | Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association |
PAR | Prescription animal remedy |
PBAC | Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee |
PEC | Priority existing chemical |
PGA | Pharmaceutical Guild of Australia |
PHARM | Pharmaceutical Health and Rational Use of Medicines |
PI | Product Information |
PIC | Poisons Information Centre |
PSA | Pharmaceutical Society of Australia |
QCPP | Quality Care Pharmacy Program |
QUM | Quality Use of Medicines |
RFI | Restricted flow insert |
SCCNFP | Scientific Committee on Cosmetic and Non-Food Products |
SCCP | Scientific Committee on Consumer Products |
SPC | Scheduling Policy Framework |
STANZHA | States and Territories and New Zealand Health Authorities |
SUSDP | Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons |
SUSMP | Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons |
SVT | First aid for the solvent prevails |
TCM | Traditional Chinese medicine |
TGA | Therapeutic Goods Administration |
TGC | Therapeutic Goods Committee |
TGO | Therapeutic Goods Order |
TTHWP | Trans-Tasman Harmonisation Working Party |
TTMRA | Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WP | Working party |
WS | Warning statement |
Scheduling medicines and poisons
Last updated