We are aware of an issue causing the title of some ARTG entries to disappear. We are investigating as a priority and hope to have this resolved as soon as possible.
A meeting of the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Consultative Committee (TGACC) was held via teleconference on 14 May 2020. TGACC members represent a diverse range of stakeholder organisations with an interest in the advertising of therapeutic goods, including consumer organisations, industry peak bodies, media and health professional bodies.
The TGA provided members with an overview of its response to advertising non-compliance arising from COVID-19 claims. Members discussed the supply and advertising of goods such as hand sanitisers, disinfectants, disposable face masks and test kits. Members also considered outcomes from the TGA's assurance reviews of closed COVID-19-related advertising cases, including insights into the effectiveness of the obligations letters sent to some advertisers. The TGA also reported on the educational materials published on its website and progress on the development of a fact sheet for new sponsors of therapeutic goods in the COVID-19 context.
The TGACC received a presentation from consultants ThinkPlace, who were engaged to conduct a review of the advertising complaints handling processes, and discussed the findings and recommendations arising from their work. TGACC members were invited to provide written feedback on the ThinkPlace report for consideration in the detailed design of changes.
Ms Rosemary Sinclair AM, appointed by the Hon Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health, to lead an independent review of the reforms to the therapeutic goods advertising framework, provided a progress report on the review. The review has involved consultation with members of the TGACC. A draft report will be circulated to members for final comments prior to finalisation by 1 July 2020.
TGACC members discussed the advantages of the formation of small sub-groups within the committee to consider specific issues more deeply and discussed other options for supporting the work of the TGA.
The next meeting of the committee is scheduled to take place in August 2020.