This information is intended for stakeholders interested in activities regarding the advertising of therapeutic goods.
On this page: Purpose of TGACC | Meetings and communiques | Membership | Contact
Purpose of TGACC
The purpose of the TGACC is to:
- Provide input to policies relating to the administration of the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code.
- Provide a forum for engagement on emerging issues with respect to therapeutic goods advertising.
- Assist with shaping TGA reporting activities with respect to advertising compliance.
- Provide input on the development of education and compliance priorities to address non-compliance of advertising for particular categories of therapeutic goods.
Meetings and communiques
TGACC meetings are usually held quarterly in Canberra at the TGA. Following each meeting, a communique is published.
The members of the TGACC come from consumer, health professional, industry, media and government bodies:
- Accord Australasia - external site
- Ad Standards - external site
- AdReview - external site
- Advertising Council of Australia - external site
- Association for Data-driven Marketing and Advertising - external site
- Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance - external site
- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission - external site
- Australian Traditional Medicine Society - external site
- CHOICE - external site
- Commercial Radio Australia - external site
- Complementary Medicines Australia - external site
- Consumer Healthcare Products Australia - external site
- Consumers Health Forum of Australia - external site
- Country Women's Association of Australia - external site
- Direct Selling Australia - external site
- Food Standards Australia New Zealand - external site
- Free TV Australia - external site
- Interactive Advertising Bureau - external site
- Medical Technology Association of Australia - external site
- National Rural Health Alliance - external site
- Pharmacy Guild of Australia - external site
- Pharmaceutical Society of Australia - external site
- Premium Content Alliance - external site
- The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners - external site
Advertising Education and Assurance Section
Regulatory Education and Compliance Branch
Meeting statementsCommunique from the meeting of the TGACC
Meeting statementsCommunique from the meeting of the TGACC
Meeting statementsCommunique from the meeting of the TGACC