You are here Home Guidance and resources Events Committee meetings TGACC meeting, 18 September 2023 Therapeutic Goods Advertising Consultative Committee Date 18 September 2023 Listen Print Share Loading... A meeting of the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Consultative Committee (TGACC). Meetings are usually held quarterly. MembersThe committee members come from consumer, health professional, industry, media and government bodies. Outcomes Therapeutic Goods Advertising Consultative Committee, 18 September 2023 28 September 2023 Meeting statements Communique from the meeting of the TGACC Topics Advertising Advisory bodies and committees Meeting of Therapeutic Goods Advertising Consultative Committee (TGACC)
Therapeutic Goods Advertising Consultative Committee, 18 September 2023 28 September 2023 Meeting statements Communique from the meeting of the TGACC