The Therapeutic Goods Advertising Consultative Committee (TGACC) met in Sydney on Thursday 7 March 2024. The committee comprises stakeholder organisations with an interest in the advertising of therapeutic goods in Australia. These include healthcare professional bodies, consumer groups, therapeutic goods industry peak bodies and peak bodies from the media industry.
The committee indicated significant interest in advertising non-compliance in the digital marketplace including social media advertising on platforms such as Amazon, eBay, Google including YouTube, Meta, TikTok, Catch, and Gumtree. Members raised concerns regarding the regulation of therapeutic goods in the global marketplace and sought an understanding of the TGA’s proposed actions in this space to ensure a level playing field for all businesses. The TGA presented in relation to this topic in detail, elaborating on its compliance and enforcement tools and productive working relationships with various digital platforms and methods of identifying and addressing non-compliance.
The committee provided feedback on updated Terms of Reference (ToR), including ongoing suitability of nominated functions, membership and meeting frequency.
The committee noted the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Compliance and Education Report. The committee discussed ongoing concerns about medicinal cannabis advertising and dispensing. Members had enquiries regarding enforcement actions in this area, identifying concerns of a level playing field not being available. The TGA outlined enforcement action undertaken this financial year.
The committee provided feedback on the updated Therapeutic Goods Advertising and Compliance Education Plan. This plan is updated annually and implements the Therapeutic goods import, advertising and supply compliance education strategy. The updated plan aligns with the Import, Advertising and Supply Compliance Priorities 2023-24. Committee members agreed to the plan which will be published on the TGA website.