These dashboards display all Special Access Scheme Category A (SAS A) notifications received and Special Access Scheme Category B (SAS B) applications approved for medicinal cannabis products by us.
SAS A notifications
The SAS A pathway allows medical practitioners to access therapeutic goods that are not included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) for a single patient who is seriously ill with a condition from which death is reasonably likely to occur within a matter of months, or from which premature death is reasonably likely to occur in the absence of early treatment.
View SAS A notifications dashboard - external site
SAS B applications
The SAS B pathway allows medical practitioners to access therapeutic goods that are not included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) for a single patient where the SAS Category A or SAS Category C pathways are not applicable.
View SAS B applications dashboard - external site
Filters can be applied to the data by clicking on the graphs to refine results and capture the desired data. Any filter applied that produces a result less than 10 will display ‘<10’ instead of the exact number, to ensure anonymity of individuals. Filters can be removed by clicking the ‘Clear Selections’ button. Filtered data can be exported into an excel spreadsheet by clicking the ‘Bulk Export’ button.
The dashboards are best viewed on a desktop.
Category based approvals
Medicinal cannabis category-based approvals came into effect November 2021 and applications approved prior to this date were tradename based. As they cannot be assessed under the individual categories these approvals have been grouped under the 'Pre-Category Approval' heading.
More information on the released data is located on the Medicinal cannabis: access pathways and usage data.
Authorised Prescriber data is also available.