We are aware of an issue causing the title of some ARTG entries to disappear. We are investigating as a priority and hope to have this resolved as soon as possible.
The Therapeutic Goods Advertising Consultative Committee (TGACC) met on 31 March 2021. The TGACC comprises a diverse range of stakeholder organisations with an interest in the advertising of therapeutic goods, including media, consumer and health professional sectors.
The TGA provided an overview of its advertising education activities, including recent stakeholder engagement to support the roll out of COVID-19 vaccinations. In response to the TGA’s Advertising Compliance Report, members expressed support of enforcement actions taken by the TGA, ranging from warning letters through to infringement notices and court proceedings. The TGA noted the use of media releases to heighten consumer and advertiser awareness of compliance issues.
The TGACC discussed the draft TGA Advertising Compliance Education Strategy. The strategy was developed in response to the independent review of the reforms to the therapeutic goods advertising framework conducted by Ms Rosemary Sinclair AM in 2020. It outlines the education priorities that will assist with compliance outcomes that benefit consumers. Members noted the importance of the use of appropriate channels for engaging with a range of audiences and noted a role for TGACC member organisations in partnering with the TGA to ensure that education is disseminated and received. The TGACC discussed possible ways the effectiveness of the education strategy could be measured.
The TGACC noted progress made by the TGA towards the review of the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (No.2) 2018, including the development of a public consultation paper to be released in April 2021, that describes options for changes to the Code. TGACC member input is being closely considered in development of the paper. The TGACC noted the divergence of stakeholder views in relation to some Code provisions and highlighted the value that webinars and public meetings held by the TGA may offer in providing clarity to stakeholders during the public consultation period.
The TGA provided an update on the status and timeframes for implementation of the 22 recommendations arising from the Sinclair Review. Sixteen of the items are complete. Members discussed the value of both formal and informal engagement between organisations in achieving shared objectives.
A discussion about the general prohibition on advertising of prescription medicines, including COVID-19 vaccines, highlighted potential gaps in understanding of the advertising requirements, the potential need for further guidance, and the potential for unscrupulous or scam activity.
The next meeting of the TGACC is scheduled to take place in July 2021.