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Public submissions on melatonin, referred to the ACMS #29
Scheduling of chemicals and poisons
Public submissions on a proposed amendment referred to an expert advisory committee
Public submissions on proposed amendment in relation to melatonin, referred to the ACMS #29
Public submissions made in response to the delegates' interim decision on melatonin and invitation to comment published on 10 June 2020 and received before the second closing date under regulation 42ZCKP of the Regulations.
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- Consultation submission: Blackmores Group (pdf,524kb)*
- Consultation submission: Complementary Medicines Australia (CMA) (pdf,165kb)
- Industry stakeholder - the submitter did not consent to publish their name or submission.
- Industry stakeholder - the submitter did not consent to publish their name or submission.
- Industry stakeholder - the submitter did not consent to publish their name or submission.
- Consultation submission: The Pharmacy Guild of Australia (pdf,269kb)
Public submissions made in response to the delegates' call for further submission on the implementation date proposed for melatonin, published on 13 August 2020, and received before the second closing date under regulation 42ZCZP of the Regulations.
- Consultation submission: Australasian Sleep Association (ASA) (pdf,276kb)
- Consultation submission: CHP Australia (pdf,137kb)
- Consultation submission: Flinders university, Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health (pdf,160kb)
- Consultation submission: Individual (pdf,101kb)
- Individual - the submitter did not give permission to publish their name or submission.
- Industry Stakeholder - the submitter did not give permission to publish their name or submission.
- Industry Stakeholder - the submitter did not give permission to publish their name or submission.
- Consultation submission: Ronald Batagol (pdf,203kb)
Supporting documents
Consultation submission: Australasian Sleep Association (ASA)
[PDF, 275.37 KB]
Consultation submission: Blackmores Group
[PDF, 725.47 KB]
Consultation submission: CHP Australia
[PDF, 136.78 KB]
Consultation submission: Complementary Medicines Australia (CMA)
[PDF, 164.59 KB]
Consultation submission: Individual
[PDF, 100.17 KB]
Consultation submission: Ronald Batagol
[PDF, 202.74 KB]
Consultation submission: The Pharmacy Guild of Australia
[PDF, 268.45 KB]