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The following is designed to assist you with completing and submitting a Custom-Made Medical Device (CMMD) notification.
Completing a notification form will take approximately ten minutes.
Our database replaces the database previously used to notify us of CMMDs.
Any previous notifications will remain valid. However, there is no cross-linking functionality for notifications submitted via the old database with the new database.
Notifications to the old databases ceased in August 2022. Content has been archived.
If you have previously submitted a CMMD notification on the business.gov.au site, we recommend you resubmit your notification(s) to the new database.
If you resubmit your notifications, you will be able to view, modify, and withdraw them.
As a result, we can better engage and support you with updates and information.
Who needs to submit a CMMD notification
Manufacturers and sponsors who manufacture, supply, or import a kind of CMMD.
They are required to notify the TGA within 2 months of manufacture or initial supply of the CMMD.
Under the Australian regulatory framework for medical devices, 'custom-made' medical devices are exempt from the requirement to be included in the ARTG.
However, they are not exempt from regulation.
Manufacturers and sponsors of custom-made medical devices still need to comply with TGA regulatory requirements.
These include:
- making sure the device(s) meets all relevant Essential Principles
- complying with advertising requirements
- submitting annual reports, and
- reporting adverse events.
Step 1: Getting started
You need a client ID to make a CMMD notification. See help you get started.
With access, you can notify us of your CMMD.
Step 2: Access to the notification form
Once you are a TGA client and have a TBS account, you can access the notification form in two pathways:
- Directly via the PMR compliance Dashboard, or
- From the TGA Business Services (TBS) Portal Homepage.
Pathway 1: Accessing the form directly
- Login to your account via PMR compliance
- Access the CMMD notifications form
- Select the Custom-made Medical Devices Notifications tile.