We will have limited operations from 15:00 Tuesday 24 December 2024 (AEDT) until Thursday 2 January 2025. Find out how to contact us during the holiday period.
We will have limited operations from 15:00 Tuesday 24 December 2024 (AEDT) until Thursday 2 January 2025.
For general enquiries, please use our email form to contact us during this period. Routine matters will be attended to from Thursday 2 January 2025.
For urgent enquiries, please see our contact information below.
Please do not call us in a medical emergency. If you need urgent medical help, call 000. If you have experienced an overdose or suspected poisoning, call the Poisons Information Centre, 24 hours a day on 13 11 26.
Urgent contact information
We have phone lines which are operational for urgent contact during the holiday period.
Recalls of therapeutic goods
If you have experienced an adverse event with one of the products listed for recall action, seek advice from a health professional as soon as possible.
Product sponsors should continue to notify us of new, routine recalls using the online recall notification form via the TBS portal.
If you are a sponsor needing to notify us of an urgent recall, please contact our out-of-hours recalls line which operates 7 days a week.
- calls within Australia 0412 205 568
- calls from overseas +61 412 205 568
Routine recall matters will be attended to from Thursday 2 January 2025.
Export of human blood and tissue
If you are a health service provider seeking a permit for the urgent export of human blood or tissue, please contact our urgent exports line via phone call or text message. A response will be provided within 24 hours. This line operates 7 days a week.
- calls from Australia 0428 916 562
- calls from overseas +61 428 916 562
Report problems with a therapeutic good
If you are experiencing an adverse event or think you may be experiencing one, seek advice from a health professional as soon as possible.
To report a problem with a medicine or medical device, please use our online reporting forms.
Consumers can call the Healthdirect Australia line to speak to a registered nurse. Healthdirect provide 24/7 health information, advice and referral for all Australians. The Healthdirect line is not for emergencies.
Special Access Scheme (SAS) arrangements
Health care practitioners can supply unapproved goods to seriously ill patients without our approval as long as the medical practitioner notifies us within 28 days, using a Category A SAS form.
Prescribers can:
- Use our SAS and AP online system
- Send general email notifications to sas@health.gov.au
- Send emails relating to SAS & AP online system to SAS.Support@health.gov.au.
Routine SAS matters will be attended to from Thursday 2 January 2025.
Medicine shortages
Information about current medicine shortages, as provided by sponsors, is available on our Medicine Shortage Reports Database.
If you are experiencing issues obtaining your medicine, you should speak to your doctor or pharmacist. Even if there is a shortage, another brand of your medicine may still be available from your pharmacy. In some situations, your doctor or pharmacist may be able to recommend an alternative medicine or treatment.
If you are a sponsor of a reportable medicine, you can report a shortage or discontinuation to us using the online medicine shortages notification form via the TBS portal.