We are developing user guides, guidance documents and other resources to support the implementation of UDI and use of the AusUDID.
The first of these technical documents are now in draft form.
There may be references to documents that are under development and have not yet been published. These will be published once available.
For further information or to provide feedback on any documents, contact us at: UDI@health.gov.au
PageThis document supports UDI awareness and adoption in Australian healthcare settings
PageThe Australian UDI Data Dictionary includes a list of the fields in the database, including element names, descriptions, permitted values and other metadata.
PageA Microsoft Excel template for sponsors and manufacturers for uploading bulk UDI records to the Australian UDI Database
PageRead the latest enhancements and fixes to the Australian UDI Database.
PageTerms, definitions, and acronyms related to UDI in Australia
PageUDI webinars cover a range of topics including introductory UDI information, adoption in healthcare and software support for UDI.
PagePublic consultation papers covering various aspects of UDI implementation
Inform and involve
We continue to engage broadly across medical devices sponsors, manufacturers, consumer representative groups and the healthcare system.
You can keep informed by:
- visiting this page for updates
- contacting the UDI Support team at udi@health.gov.au
- subscribing to the TGA Update email list.
Tell us what information you would like to see on the UDI hub or suggest a webinar topic by emailing us at udi@health.gov.au.
Contact us
Email: | UDI@health.gov.au |
Phone: |
Post: | Devices Reforms Taskforce Therapeutic Goods Administration PO Box 100 Woden ACT 2606 Australia |