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The permitted indication reform has now been launched. Please see Permitted Indications now available for use in Listed Medicines for more information.
On 6 March 2018, the TGA implemented a list of permitted indications for medicines listed under Section 26A of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (the Act).
Indications available for use for listed medicines are now contained in a 'list of permitted indications' which is contained in the Therapeutic Goods (Permissible Indications) Determination. The list can also be accessed via the TGA Business Services website
For more information see Permitted Indications now available for use in Listed Medicines and Permitted indications for listed medicines guidance.
Development and consultation on the list of permitted indications
Extensive consultation was undertaken on the draft list of permitted indications.
- In February 2017 a public consultation paper, Consultation: Reforms to the regulatory framework for complementary medicines: Assessment pathways was released detailing proposed criteria and implementation options for the permitted indications reform. Submissions received and TGA responses are published on the TGA website.
- An initial draft list of permitted indications was developed based on industry submissions to previous TGA consultations and refined following several targeted stakeholder consultation forums in 2017.
- In July 2017, draft lists of permitted indications and indication qualifiers were published on the TGA website for a 3 month public comment period, which closed 31 October 2017. At the end of the 3 month comment period, 110 submissions were received, consisting of 11 consumer group submissions and 99 industry submissions.
- From these submissions a number of issues were raised by stakeholders and a large number of additional indications were proposed for inclusion in the list of permitted indications. A summary of industry comments and the TGA's consideration of these issues are provided below.
- In finalising the list of permitted indications, advice was sought from internal and external experts, including the Advisory Committee on Complementary Medicines (ACCM).
Outcome summary
A summary of the issues raised by stakeholders during the open comment period on the draft list of permitted indications and TGA response is provided below. For information on TGA consideration of specific indications please see Additional indications proposed by industry during the 2017 public comment period.
Issue 1: Indications referring to restricted representations for vitamin D, calcium and folic acid
Issue 2: Biomarker indications
Issue 3: Indications for pregnancy and foetal development
Issue 4: Indications for medically diagnosed conditions
Issue 5: Requests to remove 'mild' from certain conditions
Issue 6: Requests for indications to include conditions of 'moderate' severity
Issue 7: Sunscreens forced to comply with the latest version of the Australian/New Zealand Sunscreen Standard
Issue 8: Removal of cellular level indications
Issue 9: Use of traditional medicine terminology
Issue 10: There should be a 'disclaimer' on medicines using traditional indications
Issue 11: Indications should not be included in the list if there is no evidence to support them
Issue 12: Criticism that the list is too long
Issue 13: Additional proposed indications
The publication of the Indications proposed by industry during the 2017 public comment period document finalises the TGA consultation process to develop and implement the list of permitted indications.
Notices of planned future updates to the Permissible Indications Determination will be published on the Regulatory decisions & notices (complementary medicines) page.
Sponsors who want to use an indication that is not currently approved for use in listed medicines, can apply for new indications to be added to the list of permitted indications using the 'Indication and Qualifier application' form via the TGA Business Services website. An application fee applies. Information about the application process is available in the Permitted indications for listed medicines guidance document.
Sponsors may apply (using the 'Indication and Qualifier application' form) for indications considered in the Indications proposed by industry during the 2017 public comment to be reconsidered by the TGA, however it is expected that they provide a detailed justification for the context of an indication’s use to address the reason why the indication was not included in the Permissible Indications Determination.
Files for download
How to access a pdf or excel document
Indications proposed by industry
Permitted indications for listed medicines guidance
Permitted indications fact sheets
- Terminology used in permitted indications fact sheet
- How to use the list of permitted indications fact sheet
- Criteria for permitted indications fact sheet
Draft list of permitted indications - CLOSED
Draft lists of evidence qualifiers - CLOSED
Contact details
- Email: complementary.medicine.reforms@health.gov.au
- Phone: 1800 020 653 (free call within Australia) or +61 2 6232 8634