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222 result(s) found, displaying 51 to 75
Media releasesThe TGA has issued a $2,664 infringement notice to a WA-based individual for allegedly importing liquid nicotine for use in nicotine vaping products.
Media releasesThe TGA has issued an infringement notice to a NSW-based individual for allegedly advertising nicotine vaping products for sale via their website.
Media releasesThe TGA has issued a direction notice to Phenix Health Pty Ltd (Phenix) to cease promoting the use and supply of nicotine vaping products to Australian consumers.
Media releasesTGA accepts Enforceable Undertaking by Strapit Medical and Sports Supplies Pty Ltd in relation to breaches of the Therapeutic Goods Act.
Media releasesThe TGA has commenced Federal Court proceedings against Vapor Kings Pty Ltd and its sole director for alleged unlawful advertising of nicotine vaping products.
Media releasesThe TGA has issued a direction notice to 13 Vape Pty Ltd and an executive officer to cease promoting the use and supply of nicotine vaping products to Australian consumers.
Media releasesThe TGA has issued 12 infringement notices totalling $31,698 to a NSW based individual for alleged unlawful advertising of disposable nicotine vaping products on several websites.
Media releasesPrecision Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd fined and directed to cease alleged unlawful advertising of nicotine vaping products
Media releasesThe TGA has issued eight (8) infringement notices totalling $106,560 to Hough Pharma Pty Ltd for allegedly failing to provide information to the TGA to demonstrate the safety and performance of three COVID-19 RATs.
Media releasesThe TGA has commenced court proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia against Prefixx Pty Ltd and its sole director for alleged unlawful advertising of nicotine vaping products.
Media releasesThe transition period from the 2018 to the 2021 Advertising Code ends 30 June 2022.
Media releasesThe TGA has issued four infringement notices totalling $10,664 to an individual for alleged unlawful importation of COVID-19 rapid antigen tests (RATs).
Media releasesThe TGA has issued one infringement notice totalling $2,664 to a Queensland based individual for alleged unlawful advertising of therapeutic goods in relation to COVID-19.
Media releasesThe TGA has issued one infringement notice of $2,664 to a NSW based individual for the alleged unlawful advertising of a medicine that was not included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods.
Media releasesThe TGA has issued 15 infringement notices totalling $39,960 to a New South Wales based individual for alleged unlawful importation of the prescription-only medicines ivermectin and doxycycline.
Media releasesAussiewhip Pty Ltd fined $39,960 for alleged unlawful advertising of disposable nicotine vaping products
Media releasesThe TGA has cancelled the listed complementary medicine FatBlaster Max (AUST L 348163) from the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) for alleged breaches of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989.
Media releasesThe TGA has issued one infringement notice of $2,664 to a Sydney based individual for alleged unlawful importation of unregistered anaesthetic products.
Media releasesThe TGA has issued three infringement notices totalling $39,960 to New South Wales based company Khazanah Nasional Pty Ltd for alleged unlawful advertising of disposable liquid nicotine vaping products.
Media releasesTMF Cosmeceuticals Pty Ltd fined $26,640 for alleged unlawful importation of ivermectin
Media releasesFuturePro was convicted and released on recognisance, its directior was convicted and fined $25,000.
Media releasesIndividual fined $2,664 for unlawful importation of nicotine vaping pods
Media releasesCat Media Pty Ltd fined $39,960 for allegedly advertising unregistered Fatblaster weight-loss products
Media releasesCheckMe Pty Ltd fined $13,320 for unlawful import of COVID-19 test kits
Media releasesDentist fined $5,328 for alleged unlawful importation of botox