The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.
- Access to medicinal cannabis products
- Advertising hub
- Advisory Committee on Biologicals (ACB)
- Advisory Committee on Chemicals Scheduling (ACCS)
- Advisory Committee on Complementary Medicines (ACCM)
- Advisory Committee on Medical Devices (ACMD)
- Advisory Committee on Medicines (ACM)
- Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling (ACMS)
- Advisory Committee on Vaccines (ACV)
- Alerts
- An overview of the regulation of complementary medicines in Australia
- Aristolochia fact sheet
- Australian Adverse Drug Reactions Bulletin
- Australian categorisation system for prescribing in pregnancy
- Australian code of good manufacturing practice for human blood and blood components, human tissues and human cellular therapy products
- Australian code of good wholesaling practice for medicines in schedules 2, 3, 4 & 8
- Australian eCTD submissions
- Australian Influenza Vaccine Committee (AIVC)
- Australian Public Assessment Reports for prescription medicines (AusPARs)
- Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods
- Australian regulation of over-the-counter medicines
- Australian regulation of prescription medical products
- Australian Regulatory Guidelines for Advertising Therapeutic Goods (ARGATG)
- Australian regulatory guidelines for biologicals (ARGB)
- Australian regulatory guidelines for listed medicines and registered complementary medicines
- Australian Regulatory Guidelines for Medical Devices (ARGMD)
- Australian regulatory guidelines for OTC medicines (ARGOM)
- Australian Regulatory Guidelines for Prescription Medicines (ARGPM)
- Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement
- Authorised prescribers
- Biologicals
- Black salve, red salve and cansema
- Black triangle scheme
- Blood and blood components
- Breast implants (alerts)
- Buying medical devices
- Buying medicines and medical devices over the Internet
- Clinical trials
- Clinical trials: information for consumers
- Codeine information hub
- Colloidal silver and related products
- Committees
- Complementary medicines
- Complementary medicines: Cancellations from the ARTG following compliance review
- Compliance actions
- Compliance with ministerial and default standards
- Compositional guidelines
- Consultations and reviews
- Consumer Medicines Information (CMI)
- Contact the TGA
- Copyright
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Information on medicines and medical devices
- Cosmetics
- Cost recovery implementation statements
- Counterfeit medicines and devices
- CTN scheme forms
- Current year alerts
- Early warning system
- Electronic cigarettes
- Employment and job vacancies
- Entering Australia
- Events, training and presentations
- Excluded goods orders
- Exporting blood, tissues and biologicals
- Exporting medical devices
- Exporting medicines
- Health professionals
- Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
- Herbal materials and extracts
- How the TGA regulates
- How therapeutic goods are regulated in Australia
- Import and export
- Influenza vaccine: the annual Southern Hemisphere influenza vaccine production and the regulatory approval timeline
- In vitro fertilisation (IVF) solutions
- Ingredients/excipients in Listed medicines
- International
- International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF)
- International Regulators Consortium
- Is the therapeutic good available in Australia?
- IVD guidance documents
- Labelling and packaging
- Legislation and legislative instruments
- Listed medicines: The role of Australia's medicines regulator
- Listing notices
- Literature based submissions
- Manufacturer statutory declarations
- Manufacturing principles & guidelines
- Manufacturing principles for medicinal products
- Manufacturing therapeutic goods
- Media releases & statements
- Medical device incident reporting & investigation scheme (IRIS)
- Medical device incident reporting & investigation scheme (IRIS) articles
- Medical devices & IVDs
- Medical devices notices & standards orders
- Medical devices regulation basics
- Medical Devices Safety Update
- Medicinal cannabis
- Medicinal cannabis - guidance documents
- Medicinal cannabis: importation and the traveller's exemption
- Medicine labels and manufacturing information
- Medicine shortages
- Medicines and TGA classifications
- Medicines Safety Update
- Nanotechnology and therapeutic products
- News & public notices
- NSAIDs and cardiovascular risks: questions and answers
- Opioids
- Orders that goods are therapeutic goods
- Orphan drugs
- Other therapeutic goods
- Over-the-counter medicines
- Paracetamol doses
- Personal importation scheme
- Pharmacopoeias
- Pharmacovigilance
- Poisons Standard (the SUSMP)
- Prescribing medicines in pregnancy database
- Prescription medicines
- Prescription opioids
- Price information code of practice
- Product Information (PI)
- Product recalls
- Publically available information about therapeutic goods
- Publications
- Recall actions
- Recommended paracetamol doses
- Regulation basics
- Regulation of medical software and mobile medical 'apps'
- Regulatory affairs consultants
- Regulatory decisions & notices
- Regulatory and Technical Consultative Forum for medical devices (RegTech Forum)
- Reporting problems
- Restricted representations
- Risk management plans for prescription medicines
- Schedule 1 certificates
- Schedule 1 of the Therapeutic Goods Regulations explained
- Schedule of fees and charges
- Scheduling basics
- Scheduling of medicines & poisons
- Searching the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)
- Section 23 instruments
- Section 7 declarations - food or therapeutic good?
- Single therapeutic goods orders
- Site master file preparation: PIC/S explanatory notes for pharmaceutical manufacturers
- SME Assist
- Special access scheme
- Standards orders and medical devices
- Subscribe to updates
- Sunscreen standard 2012: information for industry
- Sunscreen standard 2012: information for retailers
- Sunscreens
- Sunscreens: information for consumers
- Tamper-evident packaging code of practice
- Tampons & menstrual cups
- TGA approach to disclosure of commercially confidential information (CCI)
- TGA approved terminology for medicines
- TGA AusPAR email list
- TGA basics
- TGA Business Services
- TGA Consultations email list
- TGA laboratory testing results
- TGA Safety Information email list
- TGA Update email list
- The Poisons Standard (the SUSMP)
- Therapeutic goods advertising code
- Therapeutic goods determinations
- Therapeutic goods information specifications
- Therapeutic goods orders
- Transvaginal (urogynaecological) surgical mesh hub
- Travelling with medicines and medical devices